Confirming the Miracles of Saints Veciz Lessons 49 Halis Hoca (Abu Hanzala) You can subscribe to our WhatsApp line by clicking on the link to be informed about our special posts that we do not publish on our other social media accounts; https://bit.ly/2xHiHzN It is among the principles of the faith of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'in Confirming the miracles of saints is among the principles of the creed of Ahlus Sunnah As the book, sunnah and ijma indicate, miracles are extraordinary, out of the ordinary things that Allah (swt) performs at the hands of some pious believers who are devoted to the guidance of the Prophet (pbuh) in order to honor them and reveal their virtues. Why is the chapter of confirming the miracles of saints included in the books of Ahlus Sunnah? What is the reason for the chapter of confirming the miracles of saints being included in the books of belief written after the 4th century Hijri? The reason why the chapter of miracle is considered as a subject of belief is that when we look at the religion of Islam, Allah (swt) has created some extraordinary situations for some of His chosen servants, even if they are not prophets. This is the case in this religion. However, the Ahl al-Sunnah has seen two sides here. The first side is the side that does not accept and rejects any extraordinary event other than the prophets. The second side is the side that calls every miracle it sees a miracle and accepts its owner as a guardian. Normally, when the Ahl al-Sunnah sees it, Allah (swt) has made some extraordinary events happen to the pious and righteous people. But here, the ummah has gone to extremes and understatement as usual. One group has completely rejected this and said that such a thing cannot happen. This is only the Prophet. How is the prophethood of the Prophet known? He said. We said that this is one of the subjects of belief. And we said that the Ahl al-Bidah said that the Prophet is known only through miracles. They automatically rejected miracles. They said, then there would be no difference between saints and prophets. The Sunnites said no, this is fixed, that is, it is fixed by the book, the Sunnites, and experience. Another group called every miracle they saw a magician a saint, and the most sinful, most corrupt, most polytheist in the presence of Allah, and called them saints because they were doing something extraordinary. When the Sunnites saw this and saw that it was something obvious, the rationalists who rejected it were generally those who had a mystical understanding such as Sufism and the like, and they considered every deviation they saw in this regard, and even the things that were not miracles but despicable, as miracles. For example, a man wrote a book called Kerametu'l Evliya, and the miracles he described in the book, the saint would give his Friday sermon naked. This is a miracle. The most despised state of Allah (swt), the one that all the angels run away from, when a person goes astray and once he strays from the right path, they have shamelessly included this in their books as the miracle of that saint and the submission of his disciples to him. Of course, when the Ahl al-Sunnah saw this, they included this subject in their books of belief in order to prove that it is in the middle between these two extremes and deficiency, that is, to prove what the texts prove, or to show that it did not exceed its limits. What is a miracle? Normally, the literal meaning of a miracle does not indicate a miracle. But later on, people thought that Allah (swt) gave some miracles as a kindness and a blessing, and the name miracle remained on this. El karame, that is, its Arabic name remained on this in the same way. Miracle: It is an extraordinary thing that Allah (swt) shows to some of His righteous servants who adhere to the rules of the Sharia as a gift, and is not connected to the claim of prophethood and is not an introduction to prophethood. When it is not accompanied by faith and good deeds, it is istidraj. What are the parts of a miracle? Legitimate miracles have two parts. 1. They are some things that Allah (swt) has performed extraordinarily, that is, outside the ordinary. 2. They are miracles that Allah (swt) has bestowed on people in the course of his habit. From the Darkness of Unbelief to the Light of Revelation… To Support Our Channel; https://bit.ly/2MCiNmM For the Tawhid Lessons Channel; https://bit.ly/2K8UdYy For the Meaning of Tawhid: https://tevhidmeali.com/ To Watch All Videos; https://tevhiddersleri.org/ To Reach Our Magazines and Books: http://tevhiddergisi.org/ Contact: +90 535 766 45 45 You can ask your sharia questions via tevhidsoru@gmail.com. #Evliya #Keramet #Akaid