Procrastinating, moving away from goals just a few steps away from achieving them, or creating conflicts to fight with your partner are some behaviors that can be a red flag to realize that we are self-sabotaging. #Self-sabotage is the tendency to slow down and hinder objectives, goals or projects on our own through unconscious self-manipulation. It usually occurs in times of change, with actions that can be defense mechanisms with which the person tries to avoid suffering or feelings of stress in the face of future and unknown situations. There are many factors that intervene in self-sabotage, among the main ones are the fear of failure, change, limiting beliefs that make us think that we do not deserve success, lack of self-confidence, not knowing how to prioritize objectives, not really knowing what we want to achieve, insecurities, among others. Self-sabotage leads us to create problems in our daily lives or do something that interferes with our achievements and goals, as well as hindering very important actions, such as our professional career, work, relationships, or life projects. In #DiálogosEnConfianza we invite you to reflect on what to do in the face of self-sabotage. Follow us on: Facebook: / dialogosenconfianza Twitter: / dialogoscanal11 Instagram: / dialogos_confianza Once +: https://canalonce.mx/programas/dialog... Blog: https://dialogosenconfianza.info/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0Qm2ZWt...