Abandonment is a complex issue as it refers to stages of development in childhood, and specifically to the development of the mind, personality and, therefore, behavior. The mark must be understood as the memory: with shape, size, dimension and depth. We can translate this into emotions and sensations associated with the memory, the mark or the badge that is carried, such as I am the abandoned one; although the position of being abandoned refers us to a situation of victim, and that of the abandoner to that of the victimizer. We must understand that the pain of physical or emotional abandonment normally comes from a significant person, such as the father or mother. Thus, accepting the wound does not mean that it is our decision to have it: it means that we allow ourselves to experience that wound without judging ourselves and learn from the experience. As long as there is fear, there is a wound, and a judgment or belief that blocks healing. We invite you this Wednesday to watch Dialogues in confidence, with the theme: Traces of abandonment. Follow us on: /canaloncetv/canaloncetv http://www.canalonce.mx