Many emotional wounds are born in childhood and others in adolescence or adulthood, and very often we are not aware that they affect us and that we respond to any trigger from them. Emotional wounds are painful experiences from childhood that shape our adult personality, who we are and how we face adversity. We must become aware of them and, therefore, avoid covering them up, because the longer we wait to heal them, the deeper they will become. The fear of reliving the suffering and pain they caused us makes us put on hundreds of masks that will only hinder our flow through life. And that is precisely what we have to avoid. For example, betrayal, humiliation, rejection, abandonment and injustice are the wounds that Lisa Bourbeau points out in her book The Five Wounds That Prevent You From Being Yourself. This Wednesday in Confident Dialogues we will analyze each of the wounds, and specialists will provide us with tools to heal them. Follow us on: /canaloncetv/canaloncetv http://www.canalonce.mx