More information at: https://www.universidadpopularc3c.es/... Speaker: Miguel Mas Hesse, Director of the Center for Astrobiology, a CSIC organization associated with NASA Topic: Study of the evolution of the Universe, from its origins to the appearance of life on Earth. Date: November 5, 2019 Description: This conference, whose speaker is Mr. Miguel Mas Hesse, Director of the Center for Astrobiology, a CSIC organization associated with NASA, will deal with ongoing research to find evidence of the existence of life on planets belonging to star systems different from the solar system. The appearance of life in the Solar System some 3.5 billion years ago was only possible thanks to the physical-chemical processes that had taken place over the previous 10 billion years of evolution of the Universe. Those billions of years were needed for the primordial hydrogen and helium to fuse inside the stars, giving rise to the different chemical elements. Explosive phenomena in the final stages of the life of stars dispersed them throughout space, grouping them together in the interstellar medium and forming complex molecules. From these molecules the first living beings on Earth would emerge. We see how the appearance of life must be understood as one more process in the evolution of the Universe, and to understand it better we look for other similar environments, inside and outside the Solar System, where life could have also emerged in the past. Throughout the conference, the different stages in the formation and evolution of the Universe will be presented, in order to understand how everything converged in the appearance of living beings, at least on Earth.