Concrete blocks are widely used in construction, since their manufacture uses dry concrete. In this video, I show two examples of dry concrete mixes for the manufacture of concrete blocks. However, care must be taken with the aggregates used, as they can cause problems during demolding or in the performance of the block. 📌 MINICOURSE TRACE THE DRAW - Learn how to calculate the concrete mix step by step http://estruturasebim.com/comece-por-... ⌨️ Material Calculator Spreadsheet for the work https://bit.ly/PlanilhaCalculodeMater... 👉 Visit our website and guarantee your materials https://estruturasebim.com ⭕ EQUIPMENT AND BOOK: 💻Notebook that I use to design WITHOUT FREEZING: https://amzn.to/3zuIkEH ⌨️ Calculator model that I use to calculate: https://amzn.to/3oqi0oP 👉 📚Book Calculation and Detailing of Usual Reinforced Concrete Structures: https://amzn.to/3jfyFbX Hello, how are you? Have you been thinking about manufacturing concrete blocks for sale or for your own use? Above all, the concrete used is different from that applied to slabs, beams or pillars. The concrete used is called dry concrete, since it has a low water content and a greater quantity of aggregates. Among the materials used are cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water, and may or may not have the addition of additives. In addition, fine aggregate can be classified as sand, since its granulometry must be well dosed, since if fine sand is added in excess it can cause a smoother surface and less resistance, requiring an increase in cement consumption. As for coarse aggregate, we have gravel and its different granulometries, the most suitable for the manufacture of concrete blocks being gravel 0. Among the tests for classifying aggregates is the sieve test, in which a certain quantity of sand or gravel is added to sieves with different mesh sizes, where the separation process is done by vibration. After the period, the retained and accumulated material in each sieve and the specific mesh are checked. However, the biggest enemy of dry concrete for the manufacture of blocks is the moisture contained in the sand. If the moisture in the sand is not controlled, it can add excess water, which ends up lowering the strength of the concrete. The correct way is to measure the moisture in the aggregates and discount it from the final amount of water. The dry concrete mix ratios are different for each type of desired strength of the block. If it is a concrete block with 3 MPa, a mix ratio of 1:13 can be adopted, that is, 1 part of cement to 13 parts of aggregates. Good studies! A BIG HUG! Eng° Pedro Rodrigues