Conan O'Brien's 2011 Dartmouth College Commencement Address is so funny that you can't tell if it's a commencement speech or a stand-up comedy. It's a video from June 12, 2011. Conan O'Brien: 2011 Dartmouth College Commencement Address (June 12, 2011) Conan O'Brien talks about the lessons he learned from his 2010 'Tonight Show' departure incident. After ending his 17-year career as a terrestrial broadcast talk show host, he had to live like a loser for a while, but he says that after that, he discovered a new side of himself through new challenges in a new medium. He says that after giving up everything, he gained conviction and originality. "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. When what we fear most actually happens, we become free." "Whether you fear failure or not, disappointments will come. Disappointment can help you become clearer. With clarity comes conviction and true originality." “Whatever your dream is now, dreams change. The path you wanted to take at 22 may not be the path you want to take at 32 or 42. Whatever your dream, if you work hard and are kind, amazing things will happen.” *Korean and English subtitles were translated and produced directly by SeSangNeonSang.