Can a urine test be so useful? The answer is yes. In this video we show you everything that can be evaluated in a simple 30 ml urine sample through chemical, physical and microscopic examination. In addition, you will learn the most frequent diagnostic possibilities and the criteria to take into account for a quality urinalysis. CHECK OUT MY SOURCES: ○Harrison. Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Ed. https://accessmedicina.mhmedical.com/... ○Sampling and Evaluation of Voided Urine in the Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection in Adults https://www.uptodate.com/contents/sam... ○Practical Guide to Urinalysis https://grupocc-lab.com.mx/wp-content... ○Harper, Illustrated Biochemistry 30th Ed. https://accessmedicina.mhmedical.com/... ○Cardellá L, et al. Medical Biochemistry, Volume II. Cuba. Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 1999. MUSIC USED IN THE VIDEO: Instant Crush - Corbyn Kites Source: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/... ________________________________________________________________________ Follow us ???????? ○Instagram: https://instagram.com/medenunclick?ig... ○Facebook: / medenunclick. .