l JET MOTOS PREPARATIONS Engine Configuration ______________________________________________________ Welcome to our channel. Information, courses, parts, projects and kits at your fingertips. Development of projects and kits for sale. TO PURCHASE KITS, CONTROLS EXHAUSTS click on the link below https://instabio.cc/3012702UfPIxA __________________________________ ____________________ OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS . Instagram - http://bit.ly/3anl2kvJetMotos Facebook - http://bit.ly/3blnxF2JetMotosFacebook ______________________________________________________ CONTACT ATTENTION PLEASE CONTACT US ONLY BY CALL (Reason... WhatsApp is congested due to the high demand for quotes.) Thank you for understanding. Contact phone number 47 9 8423-0499 (Luis or Larissa) _____________________________________________________ LOCATION We are located in Guaramirim - Santa Catarina Rua Pedro Paulo Strait, 31 - Bairro Avaí - Guaramirim - SC - 89270-000 Music: Willi (Keylo feat.Hoonzie) Musician: Hoonzie URL: / hoonzie JET MOTOS PREPARATIONS Engine Configuration