Complete travel guide or tourist guide of the city of VALLETTA / VALLETTA with all the most interesting points and places. Discover what to see and what to do with the most interesting points of the city. I hope that the video can be helpful if you plan to do tourism in this historic city. The economic and administrative center of Malta, Valletta, declared a World Heritage Site, is an important cultural and tourist center that is full of history and brings together more than 300 monuments in its 55 hectares of land. The architecture of the city is essentially baroque. One of the hallmarks of the city are its curious colored balconies that stand out on the outside. A carefully planned city, built by the Knights of St. John, the oldest order in the world. A stop for many cruise ships, its churches, sculptures and much more make Valletta an essential destination. Don't you know the city of Valletta? Then join me in this guide to discover this Mediterranean jewel. Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/As%C3%AD-es-....