Complete travel guide or tourist guide of the city of OPORTO with all the most interesting points and places. Discover what to see and what to do with the most interesting points of the city. I hope that the video can be helpful if you plan to do tourism in the jewel of northern Portugal. World famous for its bridges over the Douro River and its magnificent wine, Oporto is a small city that is easy to get around since the vast majority of its tourist attractions are located in a charming and beautiful historic center that has earned it a place on the list of world heritage sites. A bohemian, old and even decadent city that any tourist will fall in love with. Its exquisite gastronomy, the walks at sunset along the banks of the Douro River, its magnificent cultural heritage or its particular use of tiles on the facades of its buildings make Oporto a city that will make you want to return. Don't you know Oporto? Then join me on this route through the city that gave its name to a country. Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/As%C3%AD-es-...