This is the most detailed and complete guide to all accelerators in SE here you will find all the information on how to work with all accelerators and what affects their efficiency ❤️ If you liked the video and you want to support me, then the best thing is your subscription Become a channel sponsor, and you will get access to exclusive bonuses. More details: / @andreynotdead ▼Useful links:▼ ⚡Group - VK https://vk.com/iamstillananas ⚡Our channel - https://clck.ru/RtKv7 ⚡Discord channel - / discord ⚡My Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/id/WhenIWa... ????Help in developing the channel - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/andr... Timecodes: 00:00 Start 00:49 Hydrogen Accelerators 02:23 What is the power of hydrogen accelerators 03:06 How many hydrogen accelerators are needed for a ship 06:59 How to calculate the gravity correction 09:55 Hydrogen storage tanks 10:55 How much fuel do hydrogen accelerators consume 11:56 What is the capacity of fuel tanks 12:38 How to calculate how much fuel the boosters will consume 13:23 How to calculate how many tanks are needed for a flight 15:12 How to safely install hydrogen boosters 16:26 Calculation Test 18:02 Atmospheric boosters 18:33 What planets do atmospheric boosters work on 19:04 What is the power of atmospheric boosters 1 19:31 An important nuance of atmospheric boosters 19:55 What is the power of atmospheric boosters 2 20:21 How to calculate how many atmospheric boosters are needed 20:30 The power of atmospheric boosters depending on the atmosphere 21:07 How to make a correction for the atmosphere 22:06 How to calculate how many atmospheric boosters are needed with a correction for gravity and atmosphere 24:50 How much do atmospheric boosters consume 25:33 How to calculate how many batteries are needed for atmospheric boosters 27:29 Testing the calculations 29:46 Ion boosters 31:31 The effect of the atmosphere on ion engines 33:13 How to calculate the number of ion boosters 34:55 How to calculate how much energy is needed for ion boosters 38:16 Testing the calculations 40:22 The end #Andrey_Not_Dead #SE #Space_Engineers #SpaceEngineers