I decided to update the complete map for you to learn Math from SCRATCH! If you are going to start studying Math or are having difficulties in this subject, you need to watch this video until the end! I will give you a step-by-step guide on how to start studying Math from scratch, regardless of the time of year you are in. I will show you a complete schedule for you to follow and master all the basic mathematics. Remember that this schedule is useful for those who are going to take entrance exams like ENEM, as well as for those who are going to take public exams or simply want to learn Math from SCRATCH. I hope that with this video you will know exactly how to start studying Math. Get to know my course MatemáticaZERO: https://gabrielgonza.com.br/mz24-org?... Share this video: • [COMPLETE GUIDE] How to learn Mathematics... Join our Telegram group: https://t.me/cafeciencia Follow me on Instagram: / cafe.ciencia Playlist to develop your Logical Reasoning: • Logical Reasoning #matematicadozero #matematica #matematicabasica #comoaprendermatematicadozero #dozero