Thank you for always watching my videos! If you like this video, please "like" and "subscribe" to my channel, it will be a great encouragement! / @tenko-topic [Caution] *This story is fiction based on a true story. There is no intention to denigrate the companies and services mentioned, or any specific individuals or organizations. [Audio] VOICEVOX: Zundamon, Metan, China Rabbit https://voicevox.hiroshiba.jp/ [Character portraits, materials] Sakamoto Ahiru https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im10... Tanaka @yukkuri_tanaka Zunda Ghost DOVA-SYNDROME [Regarding the copyrighted material used in the video] The copyrights and portrait rights of all images and other copyrighted material quoted in this video belong to the respective rights holders. #Zundamon #SlowlyExplained #Slowly