This is a heartwarming drama about Ohtani, a self-aware person, and his fun-loving friends. This is a restricted playthrough of Pokemon (Emerald) using only Bug-type Pokemon. Restrictions: 1. Aim to clear the game using only Bug-type Pokemon. (You may have secret members in your party, but they may not be used in battle.) 2. No items allowed during battle (Doping items such as Potions and Plus Powers may not be used. However, you may use "held items" such as Leftovers.) 3. Battles must be won by a knockout system (You may not allow the opponent to try to pull out a certain thing.) 4. No gaining experience points by defeating wild Pokemon 5. No resetting 6. No cheating (I will decide whether or not something is cheating. I set the difficulty level so that I can have fun playing.) I will play with the loose restrictions above. Playlist for this video series ↓ • Compilation Twitter ↓ / rasiadayo #Compilation #Emerald #Pokemon