People who have a photovoltaic self-consumption installation have the possibility of receiving financial compensation if they pour the excess energy produced by their solar panels and that they do not use into the general electricity grid. This is established by the new self-consumption regulations in our country (Royal Decree 244/2019). In this video, our technical director, Javier Domínguez, explains exactly what the compensation system consists of so that you have no problem understanding it. In addition, anticipating that offers from different marketing companies will begin to emerge, he offers us specific examples so that you can calculate the amount of compensation you can receive and thus avoid misleading offers. 00:00 Intro 02:07 What is compensation for photovoltaic self-consumption surpluses? What energy can I compensate? 03:52 Who can benefit from compensation? 04:22 At what price will my surplus be compensated? 05:21 Example of surplus compensation in housing 08:35 Which supplier and which rate might interest us? 14:51 Time discrimination: is it a good idea if we have a solar installation? If you want to know how to benefit from the self-consumption with surplus compensation modality, you can access an introductory article on the system on our blog: 👉 https://www.cambioenergetico.com/blog... In addition, if you want to learn more about the new Spanish regulations on photovoltaic self-consumption (RD 244/2019), here is a summary with the key points that it introduces into the legal framework: • The 5 keys to the new regulations on... Do you want to know the details? Well, contact us through our website: 👉 www.cambioenergetico.com or by phone 📞 927 50 01 62.