English: Live performance of the official competition of carnival groups of Cádiz (COAC), broadcast through Onda Cádiz Televisión. Choir 'Los luciérnagas' Chirigota 'I have told you 1,748,654 times that I am not exaggerated' (Los extensasticas) Comparsa 'Los sufridos' Quartet: 'Everyone fits in my booth' Choir: 'Los ilustrados' Chirigota: 'La callejera invisible' Comparsa: 'La oveja negra' Quartet: 'Los cocos de Cadi' Choir: 'El paraíso' Chirigota: 'We will not even feel hunger' Comparsa: 'El joyero' Quartet: 'Punk and circus, the fight continues' Choir: 'El guild' Chirigota: 'El grinch de Cai' Comparsa: 'Los colgaos' Onda Cádiz Televisión. www.ondacadiz.es ---------------- www.ondacadiz.es Twitter: @OndaCadizTV Facebook: www.facebook.com/ondacadiz Instagram: @OndaCadizTv