The PS4 Pro (Playstation 4) and Xbox One X are by far the two biggest competitors of the eighth generation! Both have a great library, as well as great hardware and services! However, it was never exactly defined which of the two was better in certain aspects, such as graphics, specifications, library (games), controller, models and the like, and in today's versions/comparison/models video, I will compare the two, so that you can decide which is the best! I'm Joe, and this is my channel, Joeveno. Comparing PS4 PRO and Xbox One X Comparison of PS4 PRO and Xbox One X Differences PS4 PRO and Xbox One X All Versions of Xbox One X All Versions of PS4 PRO All Models of Xbox One X All Models of PS4 PRO The Similarities Between PS4 PRO and Xbox One X Xbox One X Versions MOST COMPLETE COMPARISON BETWEEN PS4 PRO AND Xbox One X PS4 PRO Versions Xbox One X Versions New Playstation New XBOX PS4 PRO VS Xbox One X Comparison PS4 PRO and Xbox One X Specifications PS4 PRO and Xbox One X Xbox 2020 Playstation 2020 PS4 PRO PS4 PRO MODELS which xbox to buy which ps4 to buy Playstation VS XBOX #PS4PRO #XboxOneX #Comparing #AllModels #Comparison #WhichIsTheBest #PS4PROvsXboxONEX #Playstation4PRO #XONEX