How can you compare data from tables in more than one sheet in Excel in an easy and simple way, even if you are learning Excel recently, it is a suitable method for beginners in Excel ----- ???? Subscribe to the channel to receive all new videos https://bit.ly/3fAUJus ???? Facebook group / excelonline1 ----- ???? Videos that may interest you Consolidation Merging and grouping data from more than one sheet in Excel • Consolidation Merging and grouping data ... A famous function in Excel that can be used to compare data between two columns!! - With practical explanation • Function IF The vehicle and how to use it... Types of errors in Excel and how to solve them with a practical example for each error • Types of errors in Excel and how to solve them... The trick of copying equations between tables in Excel without any change • The trick of copying equations between tables in the... Advanced dynamic search using the Index function with the Match function - and its most important features with a practical explanation in Excel • Advanced dynamic search using the function... How to select cells different from the column and row • How to select cells different from the column... Explanation of the Slicer tool Advanced filter tool in Excel • Explanation of the Slicer tool Advanced filter tool... Explanation of the INDIRECT function in Excel INDIRECT Function in EXCEL • Explanation of the INDIRECT function in Excel INDIREC... SUMIFS function and its use with INDEX function to get dynamic SUM Range in Excel • SUMIFS function and its use with INDEX function... Searching using VLOOKUP in more than one sheet in Excel • Searching using VLOOKUP in more than one sheet... Choose function - Multiple choice function in Excel • Choose function - Multiple choice function... Explanation of transferring data from one sheet to another in Excel EXCEL using one equation • Explanation of the best way to transfer data from a sheet... Solving the problem Multiple Items in Pivot Table in Excel (Excel) • Solving the problem Multiple Items in Pivo... Data entry interface in Excel without codes or equations Excel Form • Interface for entering data into an Excel sheet without ...