THE SELF-TAUGHT PHILOSOPHER is a beautiful, little-known book by the 12th-century Andalusian sage Ibn Tufayl. A creative fable designed to demonstrate that nothing can stop man from being a philosopher, from seeking answers to the most important questions we ask about Life and its mysteries. Commentary by Professor Lúcia Helena Galvão, in light of the Practical Philosophy taught at New Acropolis. New Acropolis is a philosophical organization present in more than 50 countries since 1957, and its objective is to develop the best in each human being, through Philosophy, Culture and Volunteering. www.acropole.org.br www.facebook.com/NovaAcropoleBrasil @novaacropolebrasil Listen to our podcast: PHILOSOPHICAL TALKS NEW ACRÓPOLE Available on Deezer, Spotify, Itunes and Soundcloud Questions or comments? Write to [email protected]