Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars[#35] - London (Walkthrough in Russian(No comments)) Earth, 2047. The period of relative peace and tranquility quickly ended, and the NOD brotherhood, led by Kane, unleashed the third Tiberium War. Mushrooms of atomic explosions grew on the surface of the tormented planet again, but the GDI coalition forces were not ready for combat this time. The last stronghold of law and justice suffers huge losses under the blows of NOD, and the planet meanwhile is slowly dying. Only twenty percent of the so-called "blue", ecologically clean zones remained on Earth, where the GDI forces were concentrated. Exactly half of the globe was covered with "yellow" zones, where edible food and drinking water are worth their weight in gold, and power is in the hands of a group of fanatics. The rest of the planet was covered with dense thickets of the deadly poisonous mineral Tiberium. Earth organisms do not survive in this "red" zone, but mutants and guests from deep space feel at ease... == ... Donation Alerts http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/felix_cat Yandex Money 410013559376495 Web Money WMR R153237670429 WMZ Z763706711204 WME E537770913227 VKontakte Group: http://vk.com/nlwgame I'm on Twitter: / @nlwgame I'm on Google+: https://plus.google.com/1004536881228... I'm on Facebook: / felixoleg No Life Without Game [No Life Without Games] JOIN VSP GROUP PARTNER PROGRAM: https://youpartnerwsp.com/ru/join?74442