After sending off her beloved family, she suffered from unbearable pain and sadness, and had to raise her children alone. In the midst of this, she confesses the special grace of God that saved her and her family. Watch the full story of Seo Jeong’s testimony on CBS TV’s “Renew Us” ☞ • The husband who saved 6 lives and left, and the family left behindㅣRenew Us... You can watch CBS content again on the application ‘CBS Manna’ ☞ http://appradio.cbs.co.kr/app/manna.asp Your prayers and support are a great help in creating gracious content. For support inquiries, call 02-2650-7004. Support https://bit.ly/36aFPHr Easy support https://bit.ly/2ZidAFa CBS will strive to create a broadcast that testifies to the existence of God. We ask for your continued interest and love for our broadcasting missions.