In an exclusive interview with Voice of America, security expert and Action Alliance candidate, retired Major Hamza Al-Mustapha, said that the divisions among security agencies in Nigeria are turning back the clock in the fight against terrorists. Follow VOA Hausa YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/3Gcp7en #najeriya #nigeria #naija #voiceofamerica #voa #voahausa #hausa #sashenhausa #muryaramurka #hausa #naija #africa #afrika #afirka #abuja #HamzaAlMustapha - - - More about VOA Hausa: https://www.voahausa.com More about Facebook: / voahausa More about Instagram: / voahausa More about Twitter: / voahausa More about Boko Haram: Faces of Terrorism: https://bit.ly/3ElbQit - - - - - The Hausa language programs of the Voice of America (VOA), which include radio, television, websites and social media platforms on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, reach over 17 million viewers in Nigeria, Niger, Ghana, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire and the Republic of Benin. The department presents news and current affairs, as well as topics related to politics, science, technology, health, business and entertainment, in collaboration with over 100 radio and television partners in various parts of Africa.