Get a quote for your insurance now! https://muquiranasegurosonline.com.br... Whatsapp: (19)97604-7525 E-mail: [email protected] Use our FAQ: https://muquiranasegurosonline.com.br... The Muquirana Seguros Online channel is developed by DM4 Corretora, a company with over 30 years of experience protecting families and their assets! We serve all of Brazil! In today's video, we explain how the auto insurance collision claim process works from start to finish. Some insurance companies may have different processes, so it is super important to always ask for help from your policy's insurance broker to mediate the claim process! ;) #third party #victim #insured #insurance #autoinsurance #carinsurance #motorcycleinsurance #truckinsurance #automobiles #truck #policy #broker #insurancebroker #compensation #totalloss #partialloss #claim #carclaim #collision