Saturday has come, so as usual we come to green your weekend 💚 The next delivery is a real paradise for collectors 🤩 - we have unique, hard-to-find syngonia, philodendrons and ficuses.. In addition, many plant returns that were worth waiting for ❤️🔥Among them, among others, the suede, brightly veined Alocasia micholitziana Frydek and the Peperomia duo that has not been seen here for a long time: the neon Pixie Lime and the intensely burgundy caperata Schumi Red, with decoratively wrinkled leaves. Peperomias are friendly to animals 🐶🐱 and beginner fans of greenery. The next guests that have not been seen here for a long time are the phenomenal climber - Piper sylvaticum (now at a very favorable price) and Strobilanthes Dyeriana 'Persian Shield'. The latter has fabulous, purple-green leaves. The nickname of the Persian Shield refers to their metallic shine and elaborate, almost jewelry-like appearance. Interestingly, it does not come from Iran, i.e. ancient Persia, but from Thailand 🤓 It needs warmth and high air humidity. It tolerates shade well, and in summer it can be kept on the balcony. It is an annual plant! Also pay attention to the charming Cissus striata and the Far Eastern fern - Coniogramme emeiensis, also called the Golden Zebra 🦓, due to the decorative, yellow and green stripes, arranged in a symmetrical pattern on the leaves. And for dessert 🧁 something for plant pearl divers, i.e. the promised collectors 💎 Such as the delightful variety of Ficus elastica - Moonshine 🌙, with leaves on which lime yellow, green and bright orange meet. Exceptionally original, and at the same time does not require more effort than its more popular cousins. Spectacular Philodendron Gloriosum - velvety, with decoratively branching, contrasting veins and the potential for a large size 💪To pair with another, also rarely seen and very beautiful Philodendron - fibraecataphyllum. In addition, an Asian climber that looks great climbing a stake, i.e. Rhaphidophora Hongkongensis. Our collection of pearls will be crowned by Syngonia: Pink Spot and Nguengi Laima. The latter with unusual for a plant, narrow, elongated leaves, surrounded by a serrated margin. Link to the newest plants (available from 7 p.m. on Saturday, September 11) can be found here: https://www.jungleboogie.pl/kategoria... 00:00 Intro 02:25 Competition 03:58 Epipremnum Cebu Blue 05:17 Ficus Moonshine 05:45 Syngonium Nguengi Laima 06:48 Syngonium Batik 07:12 Cissus striata 08:03 Peperomia Schumi Red 08:45 Ceropegia Woodii 09:49 Strobilanthes Dyeriana Parisian Shield 10:30 Epipremnum Amplissimum 11:46 Aglaonema Maria Christina 12:25 Peperomia Pixie Lime 12:51 Spathiphyllum 13:47 Syngonium Chiapense 15:04 Rhipsalis Horrida 15:47 Syngonium Neon Robusta 16:25 Philodendron Fibraecataphyllum 17:28 Alocasia Black Velvet 19:20 Calathea Beauty Star 21:05 Peperomia Rocca Scuro 22:15 Syngonium Wendlandii 24:17 Philodendron Gloriosum 25:17 Alocasia micholitziana Frydek 26:04 Calathea Leopardina 26:54 Hanging Philodendrons 27:17 Calathea Freddie 27:40 Pilea Grayzy 28:20 Dischidia Ovata 30:25 Parthenocissus Amazonica 31:15 Philodendron Squamiferum 31:44 Philodendron Malay Gold 32:38 Hoya Wayetii 33:15 Hoya Kentiana 35:11 Tradescantia Zebra 36:56 Asplenium Parvati 37:35 Philodendron Micans 38:21 Philodendron Brandtianum 39:05 Piper Sylvaticum 39:40 Rhaphidophora Hongkongensis 42:42 Peperomia Brasilia 43:12 Epipremnum Happy Leaf 43:57 Dischida Pangolin Kisses 44:26 Hoya Albomarginata 45:43 Hoya Australis 46:12 Sansevieria Masoniana 46:30 Calathea Sanderiana 46:50 Coniogramme emeiensis 47:35 Philodendron Black Cardinal 48:29 Begonia Sumatra 49:20 Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma 50:08 Microsorum diversifolium 51:08 Sansevieria Moonshine English: 51:28 Hoya Linearis 52:15 Aglaonema Stripes 52:42 Philodendron Birkin 53:15 Monstera Karstenianum 54:47 Scindapsus Silvery Ann and Philodendron Brasil 55:35 Pilea Moon Valley 56:40 Syngonium Pink Spot 58:22 Monstera Monkey Mask 1:00:29 Asplenium Nidus 1:00:50 Microsorum Crocodyllus 1:01:21 This week's promotions 1:02:32 Aglaonema Red Cochin Jungle Boogie is a boutique with potted plants from all over the world 🌿 We are located at Prądzyńskiego 13 in Wrocław, but we ship plants throughout the country. Our store website https://jungleboogie.pl/l/yt We have both rare and collectible plants, as well as easy-to-grow beautiful plants for beginners in the green topic 🍃 We provide professional advice, select plants for needs and conditions, and also make greenery arrangements in offices and homes. In addition, we run floristic workshops and compose green walls. ☘️🍀 Our mission is to green everything we can 💚😍 You can find us on Facebook: https://jungleboogie.pl/fb And on Instagram: https://jungleboogie.pl/ig #DostawaRoślin #RoślinyDomowe #JungleBoogie