#Shoten #wrwrd #WeWere #Unofficial #RegularClipPosting: 8 out of 34 times (23.5%) It was an annual New Year's Eve treat, so if it's not (can't be) posted, I might as well make one! So I made it. So it's like a compilation of the original. If it's well-received, I'm thinking of making a compilation of the ladies as well. The excerpts are not in any way biased towards any of my favorite characters. I love Utsu-sensei's tsukkomi and supplementary subtitles in his editing. Personally, the reply "It's overpayment" was so genius that I laughed many times when I remembered the day it was posted. Even if their affiliation changes, I will continue to support them. This is an unofficial clip. The emblem has been hidden in accordance with the terms and conditions. I am not making any profits from this!! And I have no intention of doing so!! [Shoten Playlist] • Our Style of Shoten