Celebrating Broly's 26th Anniversary!!! We're here to announce it! The legendary Super Broly MADs have been turned into a super medley of 26 songs, and 26 outlaws from all over the galaxy have come together to create a legendary super collaboration! Today, March 6th, marks the 26th anniversary of Broly since the first film! Let's make this memorable day known to the whole universe! We'll celebrate the best 26th anniversary with our own hands! Medley only: • Hot Battle, Fierce Battle, Super Veteran Battle! Broly 26th Anniversary Medley [Instrumental... List of videos from which the songs were selected: https://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/60753368 List of participants: https://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/64488590 List of parts: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/henohenocappa...