Today is the day to celebrate Jesus and thank the Lord for everything that happened this week. Let us be grateful for the blessings, but also for the tribulations that strengthen our faith!! Come meet us in person!! Av. Penha de França, 570 - São Paulo - Penha - SP Services and Lives: Sunday - 9:30 am and 6:30 pm Wednesdays - 8:00 pm Follow us on social media: Instagram: /mevampenhasp Facebook: /comunhaoeadoracao Purpose The MEVAM Apostolic Platform is composed of Pastor Luiz Hermínio and a multi-ministerial presbytery that aims to nurture relationships with pastors and churches in Brazil and around the world, offering personal and ministerial support. Through gatherings, disciple pastors and leaders so that their offices may be a heavenly response to the cry of the region where they are carrying out their work. Ministerial Coverage MEVAM walks on the understanding of spiritual fatherhood through relationship networks, uniting with children of purpose, who converge visions with the same focus of kingdom for the expansion of the gospel of Christ. The main basis of ministerial coverage is the relationship, within this we provide a moment of personal service to the pastors, carried out by Pastor Luiz Hermínio, which is held on the Friday before the Pastors' Café. If you want more information, contact the Apostolic Secretariat. We move on five bases: Manifest the Kingdom of God Through acts of Justice with sustainable, cross-cultural and urban missions, social actions and community development, the church transforms society through the priesthood of all saints. Build the Body of Christ With a word of Alignment we promote a vocational awakening, identity in the calling and ministerial functioning that happens through What is aimed at activating the Kingdom of God in lives. Establish the Government of the Holy Spirit Through prophetic acts of Intercession, Proclamation and Worship we move towards attracting heaven to earth. A means of becoming sensitive and perceptive to what the Lord decreed in eternity for this time. Exercise Fatherhood in favor of Men Through the understanding of God's fatherhood over humanity, we rescue our identity as children, and once connected to the Abba, there is healing of every wound caused by the lack of human fatherhood. Flowing through the Five Ministries Reestablishes the exercise of the multi-ministerial factor of Ephesians 4 to drive stakes, stretch ropes and expand tents, establishing the Kingdom through the church of Christ. Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors and Evangelists are given as tools for edifying the saints for the functioning of the body. Functioning under four pillars: Knowledge, Service, Relationship and Worship, MEVAM reveals Jesus through the four gospels, as well as the four living beings.