Do you remember what your FAVORITE TOY was when you were a kid? Well, I'm sure modern-day archaeologist Madhunter not only owns that toy, but also knows the history behind it. Mad tells us what it's like to travel the world looking for the strangest and most special toys in the world. Don't forget that on Café con Mezcal's YouTube we have the highlights of the coolest topics we talk about: / @cafeconmezcal xx Here I am: INSTAGRAM: / care_much TWITTER: / care_much FACEBOOK: / care_much Café con Mezcal: YOUTUBE: / @cafeconmezcal INSTAGRAM: / cafeconmezcal TWITTER: / cafeconmezcal_ PRODUCTION: / maqueshcc The music we used: https://artlist.io/MaqueshCC-17964 Take a look at the equipment we used: Video: https://kit.co/caremuch/video Photo: https://kit.co/caremuch/fotografia