Follow on Instagram: /profcassiano_plantas Contact: [email protected] Want to learn more? Check out the links below. Scientific works researched: 1. Coffee residue (grounds) and its effect on organic carbon and microbiological attributes of soil cultivated with organic coffee plants LINK: https://bdm.unb.br/bitstream/10483/59... 2. Influence of coffee grounds on the growth and chemical and biological properties of lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa L.) LINK: https://bibliotecadigital.ipb.pt/bits... 3. Performance of conilon coffee intercropped with green manures in an agroecological transition area Link: http://uenf.br/posgraduacao/producao-... 4. Use of coffee grounds in corn crops LINK: http://www.sbicafe.ufv.br/bitstream/h... 5. Production of lettuce fertilized with coffee grounds LINK: https://www.ifrr.edu.br/index.php/ana... 6. New system for quantifying efficiency in the extraction and use of coffee grounds oil LINK: https://www.atenaeditora.com.br/post-... 7. Using coffee grounds in gardens and landscapes LINK: https://www.researchgate.net/publicat... 8. Composting of coffee grounds and use of organic compost in growing carrots LINK: https://www.researchgate.net/publicat... 9. Field Evaluation of Coffee Grounds Application for Crop Growth Enhancement, Weed Control, and SoilImprove ment LINK: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/1... 10. Plant Growth in Response to Presence of Ground Coffee LINK: http://abacus.bates.edu/acad/depts/bi...