Hello, contestants! Do you want to be approved in 2024? Play Portuguese with Portugógicos! ▶️ ???? Join the Portugógicos WhatsApp group: https://bit.ly/whatsapp-portugogicos ???? Redeem class materials for free in the WhatsApp group description. ???? Don't forget to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any content! ???????????? Classes every Monday and Wednesday, at 8pm. Follow our social media for free content daily! ???? Instagram: / portugogicos ???????? Facebook: / portugogicos Who are we? Portugógicos is a Portuguese language teaching channel where you have access to everything you need to know about Portuguese in one place, for free. With the best team of teachers in Brazil, we dedicate our time and effort to create high-quality content, making Portuguese something uncomplicated in your life. Join us. Play Portuguese! #Portuguese #LínguaPortuguesa #Concursos #Portugógicos #CNU #Petrobrás #TSEUnificado #Caixa #INSS #Cesgranrio #Cebraspe #FGV #FundaçãoGetulioVargas