LIVING OFF INCOME 27 - ENROLLMENTS OPEN: https://r.oprimorico.com.br/1f8e3af8c6 Nubank Ultravioleta. As it should be. Visit for more information: https://r.vocemaisrico.com/02808eb769 Continental UltraContact: Ultradurability that connects your life: https://r.vocemaisrico.com/72318baad7 PRE-SALE: BRUNO PERINI BOOK: https://r.vocemaisrico.com/2f68435bf1 Have you ever heard that human beings are condemned to be free? The existentialist philosophy of authors like Sartre constantly highlights this. The point is that this freedom, as frightening as it may be, can also mark the starting point for creating a genuine and meaningful life. At work, in relationships or even in simple decisions, however, this freedom can also bring a certain anguish of knowing that you are solely responsible for your choices. Are you ready to deal with this? How can this perception be paralyzing? Could this anguish, often seen as an evil, be an important sign that one is on the right path to finding a purpose? After all, what is existential loneliness? How does it relate to human finitude? What can reverberate from this in favor of a better life? To answer these and many other questions, we invited Clóvis de Barros Filho to episode 213 of the Os Sócios podcast. We will talk about the philosophy of existentialism, freedom vs. responsibility, human finitude, a meaningful life and much more. It will be broadcast this Thursday (10/17), at 12 pm, on the Os Sócios Podcast channel. Hosts: Bruno Perini @bruno_perini and Malu Perini @maluperini Guest: Clóvis de Barros @clovisdebarros CLÓVIS DE BARROS: THE PHILOSOPHY OF EXISTENTIALISM The Partners 213 00:00 - LIVE 4:43 - LIVE