Closing: Purpose and Meaning of Life - Portuguese. What defines a human being? What is their true role in the world? How can we prioritize our time so that we have more purposeful attitudes? Philosopher and professor Lúcia Helena Galvão presents reflections on the meaning of life and well-being at the end of the program. Speaker: Lucia Helena Galvão Maya Professor of philosophy at the New Acropolis organization in Brazil. She currently teaches classes on a wide range of topics: ethics, sociopolitics, symbology, history of philosophy, among others. A poet, she has published 6 books, in addition to producing articles and chronicles frequently published in the press. Learn more about #AlianzaLatina ➡ https://forum.redalianzalatina.org/ Follow us on social media: Facebook ???? facebook.com/Alianza.Latina.Red Twitter ???? twitter.com/RedAlianzaL