Traditional spatial crystals are found everywhere around us and are the result of spontaneous self-organization of atoms into regular structures in space. It turns out that interacting atoms can also self-organize in time and spontaneously form periodic motion. Professor Krzysztof Sacha, one of the pioneers in the field of time crystals, presents the concept of time crystals and the directions of development in which the field of time crystals is heading. The audience will learn that, following the example of traditional spatial crystals, crystal structures in time can have properties known in solid state physics, but we observe them in the time dimension. A new field is emerging - timetronics, where attempts are being made to use crystal structures in time in practical applications. Closer to Science is a series of popular science lectures organized at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. https://blizejnauki.fais.uj.edu.pl/