A sequel to the large family "Kishi Family" of Uto City that KKT Kumamoto Prefectural Television has been following for over 20 years. In November 2022, Hinata, the fifth son of 10 siblings, celebrated his 25th birthday. About a year ago, Hinata was diagnosed with leukemia. There was a reason for holding a big birthday celebration. (Broadcast on January 24, 2023 on KKT Terevita News) [YouTube Kumamoto Prefectural Television KKT Official Channel "The Kishi Family: A Big Family"] • The Kishi Family: A Big Family [Accepting reservations for independent screenings of "Jinsei Drive," a documentary film following the Kishi family] https://jinsei-drive.com/ Any venue or number of people can be accommodated, such as a community center or local hall, as long as it has a Blu-ray player.▼Inquiries Kumamoto Prefectural Television 096-363-6111 (main) Programming Department [email protected] ▼Click here for a list of official websites▼https://linktr.ee/kkt_kumamoto ◇"NTV NEWS Club" membership has begun. For a monthly fee of 290 yen, you will receive badges that change color to improve your status depending on your membership history, as well as basic features such as stamps that can be used in chat during live streams!! / @ntv_news ◇Nippon Television News Department's SNS X / news24ntv TikTok / ntv.news Facebook / ntvnews24 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ntv_news24/... ◇【Latest news now available】NTV NEWS https://news.ntv.co.jp/ #LifeDrive #NNNDocumentary #KumamotoKenminTV #Documentary #10Siblings #Family #Love #Childcare #Kumamoto #NTV #News