The remains of the eruption of Mount Samalas present the beauty of Rinjani like no other. Tracing the Senaru route which is said to be the most beautiful view of Pelawangan Rinjani, Lombok, NTB. Climbing and uncovering the history of Samalas. Host & Editor: Uki Wardoyo ( / ukiwardoyo ) Guide: Pak Ogah Rinjani (FB: Ogah Rinjani Treck) CP: 0878-5014-9875 Porter: Mas Jabon Videographer: Septian ( / septiandw ) Support: Mas Tri / MASTER ( / tri_prasetyo0o ) Amin ( / amin_mkhls ) Social Media: Instagram ( / theslackerhiker ) Twitter ( / theslackerhiker )