Watch the video lesson and learn about the factors that influence the composition of the world's climates. Understand the concepts of latitude, altitude and air masses. See which factors most influence the planet's climates. Want to learn more about this subject? Brasil Escola Climatic factors and elements - http://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geogra... Mundo Educação Clima - http://mundoeducacao.uol.com.br/geogr... Exercises on climatic factors - http://exercicios.mundoeducacao.uol.c... Prepara Enem Difference between weather and climate - http://www.preparaenem.com/geografia/... Escola Kids Continentality and maritimity - http://escolakids.uol.com.br/geografi... Follow us: Brasil Escola: http://www.brasilescola.com/ Twitter: / brasilescola Facebook: / brasilescola Instagram: / brasilescolaoficial TikTok: / brasilescola #BrasilEscola #Geografia #FatoresClimáticos