On Saturday we started clearing a private forest plot of fallen trees so that we can fell the remaining dead trees over the next few weeks. I have with me our 62 06 Deutz, the 7 tonne logging trailer from KTS, our cut protection equipment from Lamm/grunholz and our two blessings, the 550 from Husqvarna and the 572 #villagelife #deutz06 #deutzaircooled #klöcknerhumboldtdeutz #khd #tractor #tractorpower #dieselburningwithpain #dieselpower #firewood #makingwood #tractordriving #deutz06army #deutzpower #deutzpowerneedsthefarmer #reel #reels #fun #fun #love #countrylife #villagechild #villagechildren #loggingtrailer #woodtransport #forestry #husqvarna550xp #husqvarna #woodlogs #wood #makingfirewood #woodworking #stormdamage #forest #wood #forestry #treefelling #chainsaw #motorsåg #holziholziholz #logger #chainsaw #chainsaw_lovers #chainsaw_addicted #chainsawman #лесоруб #бензопила #kædesav #oak #sawdustismyglitter #sawdustismanglitter #sawdust #pass #fun #hobby