Storm Jari has left its mark in the Jampa forest and three fallen trees are waiting to be collected. Jamppa prepares for the job by choosing suitable saws and refueling them. The equipment needed for the work is already packed on the familiar sled from last winter, which is a great help when moving into the forest. On the way to the construction site, Jamppa notices strange tracks on the road - some ungulate has been walking. But what animal could it be? This remains a mystery, because the first fallen tree is already ahead. Jamppa gets to work: the tree is pruned and cut into appropriately sized chunks. From the base, you get stout logs, which are waiting to go to the sawmill in the spring to be turned into planks and boards. But not everything goes smoothly – cameras fall and the camera stand gets a ride at the same time! However, small setbacks do not slow things down, as the work continues with determination. The top parts and needles are also used: Jamppa takes them to the goats for a treat. At the same time, we get to see how the goats living in the log shed are doing. #ainolanjamppa