Good day to all, you are on the Toyota Corolla E 150 channel, in this video I will show you how to properly clean the EVAPORATOR of the air conditioner in the car, as well as get rid of foreign odors, on any car that has an air conditioner, enjoy watching, who wants, subscribe, you can put likes and dislikes, good to all! #cleaning the air conditioner evaporator in the car interior on a Toyota Corolla E 150#how to clean the air conditioner evaporator on a Toyota Corolla E150#how to get to the air conditioner evaporator on a Toyota Corolla E 150#how to get rid of the smell from the air conditioner#effective cleaning of the air conditioner evaporator#cabin air conditioner evaporator on a Toyota Corolla E 150#foam air conditioner cleaner#treatment of the air conditioner evaporator on a Toyota#air conditioner#evaporator maintenance#cleaning the evaporator with chlorhexidine#how to treat the air conditioner evaporator on a Toyota Corolla without removing#test chlorhexidine vs foam cleaner#