Two weeks ago I started a big kitchen cleaning. In the end, I thought that I probably won't release this video. But since I can't keep up with the last week, I cut it, in the end even with the slightly hyperactive beginning. So sit back and get motivated for autumn to almost Christmas cleaning, or just enjoy being cleaned by someone else. In this video, I cleaned out cabinets, drawers and a food cabinet. I'll get into appliances and other things another time. I don't know if I'll film it yet... if there's interest. Up to cleaning, may Advent be calm and relaxing. ________________________________________________________________ You can find me on social networks: / misa_ficova / fotoficova.cz https://www.fotoficova.cz/ / fotoficova #uklid #motivace #uklidovamotivace #predvanocniuklid #kuchyne