Want to learn all my secrets about social media and online image? I'll be teaching a few online classes soon! Check: http://www.beautygloss.nl/les Curious about the Mascha Planner? You can order it here: https://bit.ly/2m5v7iv ☆ SOCIAL MEDIA ☆ http://bit.ly/2c7Jqez - My daily vlog channel http://bit.ly/2zmmySR - Instagram @Beautygloss ☆ WHO AM I? ☆ I'm Mascha Feoktistova, an online entrepreneur who has been making beauty videos for this channel since 2007. What started as a hobby grew into my job and I love nothing more than filming, editing and starting new projects. I've written three bestsellers: 'Happy Life', 'Happy Love Life' and 'Je doet het toch wel gratis?'. I have been in the theater, own products (of which the 'Mascha Planner' is now my main product), I teach, like to travel and enjoy life with my husband Gregor and daughter Mila. You can follow my personal life on my vlog channel Vloggloss! ☆ MY CAMERA GEAR ☆ https://bit.ly/2qiYFvf - My vlog camera https://bit.ly/31osdo4 - My vlog camera lens http://bit.ly/2hXVrtl - My vlog camera tripod http://bit.ly/2xaSJ95 - My professional camera https://bit.ly/2Vuaaui - Lens for my professional camera http://bit.ly/2wtlKgX - Audio http://bit.ly/2xe4ysN - Ring lamp (Similar) ☆ DISCLAIMER ☆ Everything I say in my videos is my own opinion and is meant as entertainment. Links below the video can be referral links, if you order something through these links I get a small commission. Almost every video contains donated products. This can vary from a perfume that is in the picture to a piece of clothing that I am wearing. If there is a paid collaboration, this is in front of the 'read more' button, at the beginning of the video as text on the screen and when the paid part starts you see 'ad' in the corner.