When Dr. Claudio Naranjo took the stage at the 2019 World Ayahuasca Conference, he announced that this would likely be his last talk. Less than six weeks later, he passed away at the age of 86. In his talk, the doctor spoke about the relevance of ayahuasca to global issues. For Naranjo, the problem of the world is that we have become isolated beings, disconnected from our empathetic and instinctive parts. Sometimes, he says, ayahuasca helps people reconnect with the animal, with our instincts, and therefore with our love for ourselves: “If we reject, if we criminalize our inner serpent, our reptilian brain, our instinct, this cannot be done without a profound act of self-loathing. In this way, the process of reconverting a dangerous animal into a sacred animal means the recovery of love for ourselves.” A full transcript of Dr. Naranjo's talk is available at Kahpi.net: https://kahpi.net/claudio-naranjo-aya... About Claudio Naranjo: https://www.ayaconference.com/speaker... --- More videos from #AYA2019: https://www.iceers.org/AYA2019videos Subscribe to our channel: /iceers Support the work of ICEERS: https://www.iceers.org/es/dona/ ** Follow us on Facebook: /iceers We're on Twitter: /ngo_iceers_esp On Instagram: /weareiceers And on Telegram: https://t.me/ICEERSnoticias #ayahuasca #Girona