'I went to listen, went to sing. I went to listen, went to sing and again and again.' This is how cabaret artist Claudia de Breij mastered Ede Staal's 'Het het nog nooit zo donker wèst of t wer altied wel weer licht...'. De Breij used the most famous line of all Groningen song lyrics in her song 'Even Voorgoed'. The song is about mental problems and suicidal tendencies among young people. 'Even voorgoed' will play a prominent role in the cabaret artist's New Year's Eve conference that will be recorded in the Groningen City Theatre. 'The New Year's Eve conference is in Groningen and is also about Groningen. I have always listened to Ede's work, but now in my preparation for the conference I listened specifically. It's all so beautiful.' Last Saturday, 'Even voorgoed' was broadcast on television in the programme 'Matthijs gaat door' and that caused a flood of positive reactions. Not least because of her pronunciation of Groningen. In order to be able to pronounce the Groningen language well, the comedian practiced hours and hours on that one line. Subscribe for more videos from RTV Noord: https://bit.ly/abonneer-rtvnoord Download our app to stay up to date with the latest news from Groningen. Also follow us on Facebook: / rtvnoord Twitter: / rtvnoord Instagram: / rtvnoord Tiktok: / rtvnoord Website: https://www.rtvnoord.nl