In Assisted Reproduction, it is very common to hear that a treatment is of High or Low Complexity, this mainly refers to the complexity of the technique that we will implement, although it usually comes hand in hand with the reproductive health status of the patient. High Complexity treatments require the use of an operating room, and have a higher success rate because the fertilization between the egg and the sperm occurs in the In Vitro Fertilization laboratory, outside the woman's body, giving fertility experts the opportunity to support themselves by selecting both the best sperm and the best eggs. On the other hand, low complexity treatments, such as Artificial Insemination and Timed Intercourse, are non-invasive procedures that can be performed in the doctor's office. Unlike the previous ones, in these we can only support the sperm, since fertilization takes place in the body of the woman who wants to be a mother. ????????⚕️ Do you want to have a baby but can't? Being well informed and clearing up all your doubts is essential to fulfill your dream of having a baby. We want to help you, contact us by clicking here ???????? https://www.ingenes.com/es/yt ????????