A green mouse and many other nursery rhymes and baby songs. 30-minute compilation of classic nursery rhymes! More nursery rhymes by subscribing to our channel: / @comptineschannel Production APPICADABRA. Subscribe to our channel; new nursery rhymes are coming! Illustrations: Philippe Jalbert - Vocals: Émilie Pouyer - Music: Xavier Santamaria. Do you like our nursery rhymes? They are available as Android and iOS mobile apps with karaoke mode and lyrics. Go to Google Play or Apple Store and type APPICADABRA. . .............. Watch more videos of nursery rhymes and songs for babies and French nursery rhymes for little ones on YouTube on our Nursery Rhymes and Songs for children channel: Classic nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes in French for babies • ♫ Classic nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes in... ♫ Nursery rhymes and songs for toddlers ♫ • ♫ Nursery rhymes for children from preschool to... Lullabies to help your baby fall asleep, nursery rhymes and songs • ♫ Lullabies to help your baby fall s... Nursery rhymes to learn to count while having fun: • ♫ Nursery rhymes to learn to count! Nursery rhymes of farm animals • ♫ Nursery rhymes of farm animals! Nursery rhymes and songs for babies in French, the most popular classic nursery rhymes: / @comptineschannel