The main events of the TV series "Dashkat" take place at school, it is an educational, light entertainment genre TV series in its kind. The series is based on the age-old conflict between teacher and student, fathers and sons. Everyone in the school knows about the adventures of 11th grader A and his indifferent attitude towards learning. It seemed that there would be no teachers who would be ready to remain faithful to the calling of a teacher at all costs and engage in educating an unruly class. The teachers of the Armenian language and literature and military science take on this difficult experience, who, after a long and painful journey, finally manage to bring order to a difficult and disorderly class... The main message of the series is to raise the role of the teacher in modern society. It is about kindness, respect, humanity, friendship and military patriotism. The series shows the approaches of modern students to life, learning and difficult human relationships. General Producer: Robert Oglakhchyan, Producer. Ashot Ter Matevosyan, Author of the script. Anahit Shahsuvaryan, Director. Arsen Tovmasyan, Artist-props designer. Valentina Navasardyan, Cinematographer. Artyom Suvaryan, Cinematographer. Hayk Hamazapyan, Makeup artist. Maya Aghajanyan, main cameraman. Artur Kostanyan, Administrator. Artur Navasardyan, Actors. Anush Arevshatyan, Sofya Poghosyan, Van Shahnazaryan, Ashot-Ter Matevosyan, Lydia-Tamara Gevorgyan, Toros-Davit Hakobyan, Marie-Mane Hovhannisyan, Micho-Norik Arustamyan, Lanjuni-Karine Voskanyan, Faraday-Roman Babayan, Simonyan-Vahagn Simonyan, Sima-Ermina Zakharova, Karo-Murad Nadiryan, Nakhshun-Araksya Melikyan, Eric-Yori Arakelyan, Alex-Samvel Ghalechyan, Ariana-Kristina Torosyan, Chopik-Gor Mnatsakanyan, George-Anthony Harutian, Hasmik-Ani Mikayelyan, Shushi-Anna Aghasyan, Rebecca-Elina Sahakyan, Maga-Anita Vardanyan