DEFECT ANALYSIS WEEK - April 29th to May 5th! Get ready for a completely new experience at my free event: **Defect Analysis Week 2**, from April 29th to May 5th! ???? This is your chance to participate in an intensive week, where I will demonstrate how the CTA methodology can accelerate your journey to become an electronics defect analysis expert in just 12 months! ???? SIGN UP now: https://lp.ctaeletronica.com.br/abr24... ====================================================== ================================================= Participate in the WEEK OF MOSFETES, IGBTs and POWER BIPOLARS, another free training that will be held between October 23rd and 29th. Learn more and sign up at https://lp.ctaeletronica.com.br ==================================================== ================================================= ===================================================== In today's reinforcement class, student Alexsandro de Oliveira, from the city of Duque de Caxias - state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, answers questions about the quiescent current adjustment of a sound output in class B that transforms into AB. All the variations that occur step by step for the polarization of the output transistors. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of a select group of the best technicians in the world and to do this, take the course of SPECIALIST IN DEFECT ANALYSIS AND PROJECTS IN ELECTRONICS. Visit the website www.ctaeletronica.com.br and see how. You are taking the best electronics course in Brazil, not only because of its quality, objectivity and unique methodology, but also because we are able to get students to achieve 95% success rates! Subscribing to the CTA course gives you the right to 30 days of use of the platform, with video lessons, participation in the MODULE RANKING and, after the final exam, the GENERAL RANKING, where companies look for technicians to hire. In addition, you can answer questions in the help area and in Telegram groups with more than 26 moderators and 1,700 exclusive reinforcement classes where the student has direct contact with the coordinator. And for practice, there are kits for various experiments, in addition to optional kits sent by mail. The prerequisite is to be at least 11 years old and to be able to do the 4 math operations mentally. You can take as many tests as necessary until you get the required 80%. Or if you want to skip this step and prepare for it later, you can enroll in the electronics course immediately: https://ctaeletronica.com.br/produto/... At the end of module 4 (12 to 16 months from the beginning), our student is prepared for the TECHNICAL EDUCATION COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT, which can be done at a state, federal or SENAI school, as shown in this document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D2ZS... More details on how the course works here: https://ctaeletronica.com.br/como-fun... See the differences at CTA Eletrônica 1 - Unlike other INFORMATION courses, we are a TRAINING school. 2 - 200 hours of video classes and 800 hours with other activities only in the electronics course (4 modules). 3 - Several kits for practical experiences. In module 1, the kits and shipping are sent at our expense. 4 - 12,000 exercises to CREATE information retention (4 modules) - these are offered in 64 exercise blocks in PDF format. Separate handout for each class also in PDF file. 5 - 7,000 exercises already commented to answer questions (4 modules). 6 - 25 collaborators in the Telegram groups, to answer students' questions. 7 - 1,400 current reinforcement video classes (120 hours of videos) with the coordinator, and the student can schedule new classes - 100 new video classes every month. 8 - Course coordinator Mário Pinheiro - with 46 years in the field; 40 years of development of the school's methodology, having 32 years in the market (1989-2021). 9 - Only school with an average student performance of 95%. 10 - Direct recommendation of the best students to companies in the industry by OVERALL RANKING. 11 - The only school recommended directly by Sony and Bradesco Foundation (a reference in education in Brazil): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B40j... Still have questions about what makes CTA different? Check this out: https://ctaeletronica.com.br/ If you want to watch some free videos, go to my YouTube channel and subscribe: / @ctaeletronica.oficial If you have read all the information and are willing to take the best course in Brazil, watch this full video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PYP6...