0:01 Welcome to the course 0:28 Course class schedule 2:19 Start of Hiragana class 8:57 Specifics of the Hiragana table 9:50 Challenge/Exercise of the class 1) To find out when the next class will be released: www.123japones.com.br/curso_gratis 2) To download the free book: www.123japones.com.br/livro 3) Instagram: @123japones In the first class of our basic Japanese course, you will learn about the Japanese alphabet, more specifically about Hiragana. How many times have you thought that you would like to learn Japanese but think that you don't have time to learn the language and end up postponing this goal? We at 123 Japonês will show you that it is possible to learn Japanese in a simple and fun way! We are a team of teachers who are passionate about the Japanese language and culture and we want to share our knowledge with you and together, keep Japanese culture alive!!! Subscribe to the channel and share with your friends!! Also download our free ebook: http://123japones.com.br/livro