Hello, welcome to the channel that helps you CHOOSE THE BEST CITY TO LIVE IN or IMMIGRATE to CANADA. My name is Lúcia Guder, I have been living in Canada since 2019, and here on the channel I talk a little about the JOURNEY of an INTERNATIONAL STUDENT to life as a PERMANENT RESIDENT in Canada. In addition, in the videos on the channel you will find information about the challenges of an immigrant's life, cost of living, product prices, step-by-step immigration processes, information about Canadian cities and provinces, among other topics related to LIFE IN CANADA. When we make big LIFE CHOICES, such as MOVING TO A NEW COUNTRY, it is normal for feelings of INDECISION to arise regarding several factors, including CHOOSING THE BEST CITY TO LIVE IN THE COUNTRY. Canada is the SECOND LARGEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD and this clearly ends up making this decision difficult. Therefore, in this live broadcast, I brought several elements about choosing the city to try to facilitate this crucial moment in your IMMIGRANT JOURNEY here in Canada. CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO BE PART OF THE IMMIGRANT JOURNEY: https://jornadadoimigrante.com.br/ins... CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE TO NOT MISS THE REGISTRATION - From February 8th at 8 am, Brasília time, until Sunday, the 12th, midnight.